Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 4 of 15 of Special (mostly raw food) diet

Looks like my diet is finally starting to paying off. By far the "Best day" ever in the recent times. 
  • Woke up at 5.45AM. 
  • 6 Yoga Classes instructed.
  • 1 hour in the gym.
  • 20 mins cardio.
  • No after-noon Nap
  • No idle time
  • Now it is 10PM
Still high energy! And finally no headache after 2 days.

The food intake today:

Breakfast: 7 Bananas (split over 3 installments starting from 6.30AM)

Lunch: Cabbage-tomato,-curd-salad (Pre workout).
1 protein shake + 3 egg whites + 2 Glasses spinach juice (Post workout) .

Dinner: 1 spinach juice + Pear + oat-milk-honey 
+ 2 cups of coffee (a small indulgence).

The real high points were i was able to maintain my motivation level on every task i took up and was living today with incredibly HIGH ENERGY LEVELS.  I was able to motivate my team and the people around. There was no sign of laziness, like, at all. A whole new level of involvement and aggressive actions towards my targets in various projects (work and personal life). The clarity was incredible and easy flowing.

The best of all, i have taken classes with a whole new level of involvement. 

Things i generally don't do after a long day of work (say after 9:30 PM) which i did today:
  • Working on ways to improve my targets.
  • Spend time with a person to discuss their goal (i did this with a client today after the last session).
  • Spend time to write this blog, which i am doing now.
  • Run in the park for 10 mins, which i kinda did (the park was closed, so went up and down 12 stairs for 10 mins).
  • Going to bed happily with the knowledge that day well spent.
The credit to this definitely goes to this new diet.

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